Friday, March 16, 2012

Chapter 28

The Following Afternoon

“…come on! Come on Prince…answer!” I whispered quietly, sitting on the washbasin counter, purple cell phone mashed to earlobe.
Much to my aggravation, the other end just rang endlessly. Since the previous night, when the concert had been cancelled I had been calling Prince, vainly trying to get in touch with him.
Dozens of dialings.
Part of me wanted to believe that he had cancelled the concert simply to send Michael and the Jacksons on a wild goose chase. It would have been the perfect prank--have a busload of Jacksons all dressed up, ride across the state and then end up with nothing at all to attend.
But another part of me really thought that Prince was actually sick.
That was one way that Prince and Michael were alike--they both loved performing and adored being onstage.
And they’d have to really be out of sorts to cancel a performance.
If Prince was indeed sick, I wanted to know how he was doing. If he was in any pain.
I cared for him too, even though he was The Other Man.
Tap! Tap! Tap!
A light knocking on the door jarred me from my battle with the phone.
“Just a minute!” I called, hopping off the counter and momentarily skidding in the pink roller skates I wore.
For the biggest part of the afternoon, the Jacksons had been amusing themselves by running skating races up and down the long corridor to the elevator.
(Michael always seemed to come up with unique ways of having fun.)
After stashing the phone in my make up case, I checked myself, straightening my pink t-shirt and dusting off my white and pink pinstriped jeans. I had to look normal.
I skidded over to the door and opened it.
Taj, camera in hand, stood idling in a pair of black and silver skates.
“Hey Brynn! I was wondering where you disappeared to.” He chuckled as we started gliding through the suite.
“Can’t I go to the ladies’ room without a paparazzi following me?” I giggled, reaching up and tapping the lens of his camera. “How do you film and skate the same time anyway? I’d have busted my butt by now!”
Taj laughed heartily. “You see, Young Brynn, I am a master at multi-tasking. You are looking at a man who can drive his car, talk on a cell phone and comb his hair--in downtown LA mind you--without crashing.”
“Okay, you are NEVER driving me anywhere man. I’d rather walk.” I remarked and we busted up.
As we reached the front corridor, excited shouts and cheers began reaching us.
“Sounds like they’re turning it out in there.” I chuckled as we passed through the doors.
In the hallway, the adult Jacksons, and Selena, were lining the walls hooting as Prince, Paris and Blanket were skating earnestly towards the elevator, racing to see who would reach it first.
Rusty was off in a corner playing with that damned Blackberry.
Paris was the clear winner, not only reaching the elevator doors first, but slamming into them.
She sank to the floor laughing.
“Are you okay Baby?” Latoya called, teetering in her own green skates that matched the minidress she wore. I hadn’t seen Latoya in a pair of pants yet.
“I’m good!” Paris exclaimed as her older brother helped her to her feet.
“I wondered where you went off to.” Michael slid over to me and gave me a warm hug.
He was beautiful in a red and white plaid shirt and blue jeans. Red skates contained his large feet.
“Well here I am” I beamed up at him, and picked at a curl that had worked it’s way out of the ponytail at back of Michael’s head.
Such a lovely man.
“Yo Brynn!” Marlon Jr. came flying at me.
“Yeah?” I questioned as Michael wrapped his arm around my hips.
Selena and Latoya were skating wildly towards the elevator.
“You wanna race me? I bet I can beat you!” He grinned, tugging at the large diamond stud in his left earlobe.
“The only reason he’s asking is cause damn near everyone else has whipped him!” TJ put in as he sashayed by smoothly.
“Hey man! Shut up!” Marlon Jr. snarled and gave TJ and firm push, sending him flailing over into his father and against the wall.
“And I was just letting you win! Felt sorry for you!” He continued, his dark eyes flashing under his thick eyebrows.
“Yeah right!” TJ struggled to pull himself and Tito back upright.
Patting his shoulder, I challenged, “Don’t let me win. Bring your A-game.”
Oooh!” The Jacksons jeered.
“Wow Mars Bar, what are you gonna do?” Michael chuckled, winking at his nephew.
“I guess I’ll have to bring my A-game. Come on Brynn!” Marlon Jr. tugged at my arm and led me to a starting spot that had been marked with a piece of masking tape on the floor.
Beyond us, Marlon Sr. skated in front of us.
“Okay on the count of three, you take off. And no tripping or dirty work--that’s grounds for an automatic forfeit!” He grinned, his mustache glimmering.
“Alright Dad! Just count!” Marlon Jr. whined shrilly.
Marlon Sr. just wanted to mess with us, instead of counting, he merely screamed “THREE!”
“You got a head whooping coming Mars Bar!” I called as we bore down the hallway--I pitied the maids of the Windbush, it would take them forever to get the skid marks off the floor.
“Not if I whip your ass first!” Marlon Jr. laughed maniacally.
Marlon was a good skater. He had a nice lead.
But he wasn’t a great skater.
As I started inching past him, Marlon Jr. reached out and pushed on my shoulder. I was sure he wanted me to go away from him.
But the exact opposite happened.
As a result, I was actually drawn against him.
“No Marlon! No! Aaah!” We both screamed as I collided and fell down in a mangle of arms, legs and wheels on the hard cool floor, a few feet from the elevator.
Marlon was sprawled on his back and I was laying across him.
“Oh God! What a wipeout!” Taj was the first one to get over to us, camera thoroughly focused on us.
“Are you alright?” Michael questioned, worried.
I waved my hand to let him know I was fine.
Michael fretted over the slightest things--he cared do much.
“Man, get that thing out of my face, or I’ll make you eat it!” Marlon growled, placing his hands over the lens and shoving Taj back. “I could have won that!”
Laughter surrounded us. The Jackson Trio were even doubled up on the floor at Michael’s feet.
“Your braids must be too tight Marlon! Your daddy just said no dirty tricks and you did it anyway!” I punched him lightly in the chest and struggled to get up.
“Ha! That means you forfeit!” Taryll and TJ came over and helped me back to my feet.
“Hell! Brynn is smaller than me--less wind resistance! I had to do something!” Marlon Jr. poked out his bottom lip like a toddler.
I was having such a good time, I just wanted to continue vexing him.
“Uh! I win! Make me wanna do a little James Brown!” Pulling away from TJ and Taryll, I placed my hands on the waistband of my pants and attempted to do the fancy footwork The Godfather of Soul was noted for. “In your face!” I cackled and the rest of the Jacksons joined in.
“Man, forget this! I’m going to order room service! I‘m hungry anyway.” Marlon Jr. swiftly climbed to his feet, slapping Taryll’s helping hand out the way.
As he skated off into his room, I couldn’t help hitting him with one more zinger:
“How can you want room service? You’re already full of prunes!”
More jeers and snickers.
“Let’s go get some room service too. I’m kinda hungry.” Michael admitted waving everyone into the master suite.
“Brynn, are you sure you’re okay?” His dark eyes sought me out.
“Yes Michael. I’ll be in there soon.” I winked and bent to start loosening the laces on my skates.
“Okay.” Michael glided into the suite, bringing up the rear, leaving me, Taj, TJ and Taryll in the hall. And Taj’s omnipresent camera, of course.
“So Brynn, what was it like being one half of the best roller skating collision I’ve ever seen?” TJ grinned, the corners of his mouth soaring northward.
“Pretty much the same if you’re on the receiving end of my fist colliding with your face.” I replied sharply and stuck my tongue out at him.
“Damn, she got you!” Taryll chuckled and rolled his eyes at his baby brother.
“I wouldn’t mind losing to a cute girl.” TJ shrugged and gave me a soft push.
“Watch it TJ. Don’t push me and flattery will get you nowhere!” Balancing in my untied skate, I gave TJ a firm shove, sending him flying backwards.
“I’m sick and tired of y’all pushing me!” TJ tore at me, grabbing me around my waist, and whirling me around in a circle.
“TJ! Quit!” I exclaimed as he started playfully wrestling with me.
“No way! You got me mad now!” TJ refused, laughing loudly.
“Oh yeah?” In a free moment, I reached up and caught TJ in a headlock.
“Who’s laughing now! Who’s laughing? Say ‘My name is Sally and I like boys!’” I instructed, tightening my arm around his skinny throat.
“Holy shit! This is gold!” Taj gasped and I could hear his Zoom lens whirring.
“I ain’t saying that! Taryll help me! Taj put down the goddamned camera!” TJ wheezed, trying desperately to shake free.
“Oh right!” Taryll rushed over and actually started giving TJ a noogie.
He was really grinding his knuckles against his brother’s curls.
“Say it!” I yanked on TJ again, making him cough.
No!” TJ suddenly lurched forward, dropping me to floor.
I landed on my abdomen and was momentarily winded.
And then the fool sat on me!
“TJ! Get off! I didn’t sit on you!” I grunted as he reached and grabbed my arms, tucking them behind me. I wasn’t really angry.
“Brynn, you say, um…” He thought a long moment.
“Say “My name is Buzz and I like girls!”
Buzz!” Taryll doubled over.
“I am so kicking your ass when I get out of this!” I vowed fighting against him.
“That’s what they all say Baby!” TJ poked me on the back of the neck with a cold finger.
“Uh, guys…”Taj started, standing over me.
“Shut up Taj, I’m doing something right now!” TJ snarled, continued to poke at my neck.
“I’m gonna annihilate you TJ!” I screeched. “Don’t make me call Michael!” I threatened.
“He can’t hear you! He’s on the phone!” Taryll snorted crouching down next to me.
“You guys! We got company!” Taj sputtered.
I watched as Taryll looked up. His eyes quadrupled in size in his head.
“Oh no way!” He whispered, awed. “TJ, get up! Now!”
“What is going on?” I demanded as TJ finally, finally got off my back. For such a slim dude, he was really heavy.
“Holy Toledo!” I heard TJ comment.
“Tell me what’s happening!” I sighed, finally starting to get upset.
I hated being left out of a loop.
Rolling onto my side, I saw that all three of the “Teez” were staring towards the elevators.
I followed their gaze and froze dead cold in my tracks.
At some point during our “fight” the doors to the elevator has opened up.
A single person was in the reflective rectangle--Prince.
And he was gazing directly at me.
I shrank under his glare. I could only wonder what he was thinking, finding me consorting on the floor with two men and third filming everything.
“Hi…hi Prince.” I managed to mumble, climbing to my feet.
At my acknowledgement, Prince casually sauntered off onto the main floor. The doors closed behind him.
His ensemble was another one for the record books.
He wore a very brightly colored polka dot suit, mainly hot pink and purple with a little bit of lime green thrown in for good measure.
The jacket was cropped very high up, exposing his fuzzy abdomen.
Matching trousers just barely clung to his hips.
A hot pink hanky hung out of a pocket on the front of the jacket.
Perched on Prince’s head was another unique hat. It was bright pink and had an extremely wide brim.
Lime buttons adorned the front of the jacket and three more were on the fly of his pants.
Dotted boots clicked as he walked to me.
He looked like a walking bag of Skittles. He was darling.
“Hello Brynn.” He announced seductively, without so much as a sideways glance to the guys. I noticed that his voice seemed dry and cracked a bit.
Did he really have laryngitis?
“Are you alright?” I questioned, uncertainly, wondering if he was truly ailing.
I’m fine, sore throat. Other than that, I’m fine.” Prince gave me a mousy grin.
I saw that pink and purple shadow adorned his lids and his lips shine with clear gloss.
My chilled blood turned to ice as he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug and his wet lips pecked my cheek.
Prince had to have had the nerve of ten men to arrive alone on a floor just busting with Jacksons and kiss me in front of three of them.
Was he even aware of what kind of beat down he could incite?
“So, introduce me to your friends.” Prince whispered, picking at the two strands of hair that were falling into his face from under the hat.
“Uh, these are Tito’s three sons, Taj, Taryll and TJ.” I don’t know how I managed to correctly name them, I could barely remember my own name.
Nice to meet you.” Prince smirked at them, tepidly shaking their hands, momentarily rolling his large eyes at Taryll. I don’t even think he noticed.
“Are you really Prince?” Taj questioned, star-struck.
“No, I’m just a shocking simulation.” Prince chuckled and coughed.
The Teez laughed, stiffly.
Tension was starting to fall into place like a Tetris game, filling every conceivable space. If it was this bad with just the Teez…
And at that moment, another piece of the Tetris puzzle fell in.
“Alright you guys, let’s have a rematch.” Marlon Jr. announced suddenly, skating into the hallway.
He almost fell on his ass when he caught sight of Prince.
“Oh! You’re Prince! Hi! I’m Marlon Jr.” He stammered, jamming a large hand in Prince’s face.
What the hell was he doing? I thought the Jacksons ALL hated Prince!
Smiling coolly, Prince shook his hand too.
I see that Miss Brynn seems to have her fair share of boyfriends up here.” Prince observed snidely, glancing around at the Jackson guys.
Did he think I was messing around with all of them?
“Oh nah, it’s not like that. Brynn’s got one boyfriend--me!” Taryll fell back into boyfriend mode, sliding his arm around my waist.
“Not bad…” Prince looked him up and down. “…you kind of look like me.” Prince commented.
Taryll actually smiled until Prince added, duskily “…if I was about a hundred pounds heavier.”
Taryll’s nails dug into my side. Prince had just called Taryll--who was a bit on the hefty side--fat!
I thanked God that Taryll kept his hair trigger temper in check.
“Brynn! Taj! Taryll! TJ! Mars Bar!” Paris came flouncing out of the main suite in her socks, skates in her hand. “Daddy wants to know…” She trailed off when she laid eyes on Prince.
Why was everyone getting speechless around him?
Her blue eyes seemed to consumed her face, they grew so large.
And the shrieking commenced.
Daddy! You friend who wears the high heels is here! Daddy! It’s the man in the heels!” Her voice made my eardrums ache.
From somewhere inside, I heard Michael scream “What?”
Paris ran over to Prince like she was his number one fan.
“Hi Mr. Prince! I’m Paris Katherine Michael Jackson! And I like your shoes! They’re cute!” She exclaimed, grabbing Prince’s hand and shaking it until Prince rattled. “I’ve never seen a grown up man in high heels!”
Thanks.” Prince rolled his eyes again. I was certain he didn’t like to have a seven year old exclaiming that he was the first man in heels she’d ever seen.
Oh shit.” I whimpered under my breath and The Teez and Marlon Jr. laughed.
I’d hate to send Prince on a first class trip back to Minneapolis via my fist if he was rude to Paris.
Paris gasped as she stood on tip toe to peer into Prince’s face.
“You’re wearing make up too! Wow! My Daddy wears make-up but you’re wearing make-up like Brynn--”
“That’s enough!” I gently grabbed Paris’ hand and pulled her behind me.
I had to stop this girl before I really did have to punch Prince.
“Nice kid.” Prince commented, a bit annoyed.
“Paris, Michael wants to know what you said.” Selena came strolling out of the suite.
A flurry of excited mash of English and Spanish exploded from her red lips when she caught sight of Prince.
At her sudden bi-lingual conversion, the rest of the Jacksons--and Rusty--appeared at the doorway.
“Oh Hell no!” I heard someone chatter as a space cleared for Michael to come forward.
At the sight of a dozen new faces, Prince gave a sharp take in of breath.
I knew that even in his wildest dreams he didn’t expect to see that many people.
I glanced at Prince; he appeared worried.
I had never seen Prince look scared before and it terrified me.
But Prince quickly regained his composure and exhibiting another broad smile and waved as Michael strutted over.
I had never seen Michael look so confident. Head up, body straight, shoulders back. There were students at West Point that could learn from him.
But then again, Michael had an army backing him.
Ah, hello Michael, long time no see.” Prince laughed dryly and put his hand out.
“Hello Prince.” Michael touched Prince’s hand like he was contagious.
His voice was like ice.
I felt as though I was going to pass out. And vomit.
“I see you have the entire family here…nice.” Prince smiled as the crowd led by Jermaine, Tito and Jackie bled into the hallway, all of them vying to get a look at the man. Rusty had even left his Blackberry alone for once.
By the lethal looks on their faces, they were all mentally squishing Prince under their shoes.
Please don’t fight. Not in front of the children!
“How’s your throat? I heard you got laryngitis.” Michael went right for the jugular.
“That’s right. Got into a minor argument, screamed and fucked up my voice…” Prince explained.
“You said a bad word, Mister.” Paris put in. No one really paid her any attention.
They were all focused on the exchange of The King of Entertainment and His Royal Badness.
“…and I wanted to apologize for ruining the concert last night. I didn’t realize there were so many of you. But I can’t help my voice. Maybe when I’m feeling better, we can reschedule?” Prince stared up at Michael, his hazel eyes almost emerald.
“I’m sure that can be arranged.” Michael nodded. Michael’s mouth was saying yes, but his body was saying no. I knew he’d have to be dragged kicking and clawing into another Prince engagement.
“Okay. I have to go now, but I wanted to apologize in person. Good bye.” Prince waved at everyone.
“Bye Mr. Prince!” Paris waved happily, unaware of the magnitude of the situation.
Prince reached and embraced me again.
Over his shoulder, I saw that Michael was smoldering.
“Good bye Pretty Brynn.” He murmured quietly.
“Bye.” I replied somberly, as he let go of me, and summoned the elevator.
I was relieved to see him go. By the grace of God, he’d been blessed to get out of there in one piece.
As he stepped on and it swallowed him up, Jermaine burst up behind Michael.
“Mike! That little bastard has got some nerve coming up here! Damn! Ooh!” Jermaine jumped up in a circle.
“Did you get a load of that get up he was wearing? What rainbow puked on him?” Tito chimed in joining them, Jackie trailing behind.
“Well I think it was nice that he came an apologized. He didn’t have to do that.” Latoya called from where she hung in the door way.
“Toy, please. He didn’t drag his funky little self up here to apologize. He came to see Brynn. You saw how he hugged on her. Geez.” Marlon patted Latoya’s arm. “Got the hots for her.”
I couldn’t believe they were discussing the matter as if I weren’t in the room.
“Brynn, are you okay? That skunk didn’t try anything, did he?” Michael cautioned, twisting my ponytail in his hands.
“No…” I started.
“Of course not Uncle Mike, we were here!” Taryll grinned triumphantly.
“And he called you fat!” TJ pointed out.
“Prince called you fat?” Tito demanded, placing his hands on his love handles. I knew he was prepared to follow Prince on the elevator and put a dent into his face.
I didn’t call anybody fat!” Prince (Jackson) exclaimed before running back into the main suite, Blanket following him.
“He didn’t call me fat!” Taryll exclaimed agitated. “Not in so many words. But I’d rather be fat that a damn midget!”
“You’re saying bad words!” Paris whined, shaking her finger at them.
As a commotion, most siding with “Prince has the hots” angle and a mere few--mainly Selena--going with the notion of “Prince was just apologizing.” I could hear that silly Clay Aiken ringtone on Rusty’s Blackberry chiming.
“Yeah, Mike, I’m telling you, if you want that man outta your hair, I’ll help you kick his ass. I swear Man.” Jackie confided.
“Too many bad words!” Paris moaned and ran off.
“What, so you can go to jail? I’ve been to jail, it’s not a nice place. Don’t do anything stupid Jackie!” Michael poked Jackie in the chest.
“It won’t be stupid Michael.” Jackie rolled his eyes and patted at his hair.
“You saw how he looked when he saw all of us. Scared as shit.” Jermaine laughed.
Hey! Hey! Michael! Michael!” Rusty suddenly screamed, a smile wrapping itself around his face. If his grin were any wider, he’d have swallowed his neck.
“What is it?” Michael questioned as his brothers continued irritating him.
Rusty came stumbling over, Blackberry in hand.
“We have to go back to California! Now! Right now!” He declared.
Michael paled harshly as the room came to a halt, ears straining.
“Is something wrong? Did something happen to my house?” Michael whispered.
I prayed that it wasn’t more legal problems.
“I just got a phone call from Carmen Alonzo, he says that the HAA is honoring you!” Rusty exclaimed.
“Who’s Carmen Alonzo and what’s the HAA?” I asked no one in particular, not understanding what was going on.
“It’s the Humanitarianism Association of America. And Carmen is the head of the organization! They’re gonna give Michael an award for all the contributions he made with his Heal the World foundation over the years! Yeah!” Rusty actually grabbed Michael and hugged him fiercely.
The story finally hit home for me.
“Michael won an award! Oh my God!” I shoved Rusty aside, taking my turn hugging Michael and topping it off with a deep, sweet kiss.
Way to go Uncle Mike!” Taj chortled recording the kiss.
(He might have wanted to censor that bit--I was fully Frenching Michael!)
“I won? Oh gosh! Oh God! Woo! Hoo! Hoo!” Michael whooped cheerfully as I pulled my lips from his and everyone else rushed over to pat his back and hug and celebrate.
“Someone call room service and have them send up their best bottles of champagne, we’re about to par-tay!” I shouted.
It was finally official: Michael Jackson truly was the kindest man and was getting his accolades for it!

* * *

Later That Same Night

“Are you comfortable Honey?” Michael questioned softly, pulling the thick velvet and silk sheets around my shoulders, tucking me in the bed close to him.
“Of course…I’m with you.” I whispered, smiling up at him.
Michael was truly a tender vision in dark yellow, tone on tone striped pajamas. The color made Michael’s already luminous fair skin radiate even more.
His curls, now in just bare waves, tumbled around his chiseled face.
If Michael were a drink, I’d make him a double.
A triple even.
“I don’t know if I ever told you this Brynn Baby, but, um…” Michael trailed off sheepishly, and ran a hand through his thick mane.
“Yes, Michael?” I searched his deep, seemingly unending eyes, wondering what he was going to say.
“It just seems like everything is turning good since I’ve met you.” Delicate lips tapped my forehead. “I’m on my way to having a hit with Not Over, and then I met you and fell in love…” Another giggle escaped Michael as he wrapped his arms around me under the covers, drawing me even deeper into the folds that was his body. “…and now, I’m getting an award from the HAA. It’s wonderful. Ooh!”
Poking Michael gingerly on his head and down to his dimpled chin, I chirped,
“I’m proud of you Michael Jackson.”
A wide-eyed grin plastered itself on Michael’s face.
As Michael buried his face into my neck, smothering it with smoldering and simmering kisses, a new thought began to form in my mind.
“Mikey?” I questioned, trying to arrange my next inquiry just right, to avoid offending My Man.
“Mmm-hmm?” Michael continued smacking away at my throat.
The sensation was so good; I almost forgot what I was about to say.
“I know that you’re getting a humanitarianism award, but I’ve been with you for the longest, and I…um, I haven’t seen you do anything…”
A small pang of guilt instantly ran through me like an Ex-Lax through a person’s bowels.
The kisses came to a slow halt.
Looking down at his hands, Michael commented quietly,
“Well…I have been doing some work. While you were working in Minneapolis with that Three Inch Creep, I donated some money to a few orphanages in California and a couple in Nevada too. It’s just I’m shy to talk about things like that. I mean you know, I don’t really like to broadcast everything I do.” Michael glanced off to the side and fiddled with his hair.
I stared at Michael.
I had heard that Michael often downplayed his philanthropic endeavors, but it was incredible that he had even kept his donations a secret from me.
“Mike, why didn’t you tell me? I didn’t know. I mean I’ve known about the Heal the World Foundation since I was a kid, but I didn’t know you had done anything as recently as when I went to Minneapolis!” I sighed, reeling in the notion that I was indeed, probably the last to know.
“I don’t know. You were so busy. And it’s nothing for me to donate the money. If someone with a good cause comes along, I help.” A small smirk/smile crossed Michael’s pink lips. “Especially sick or impoverished children…I am so sensitive to their pain.”
Placing a hand on his slim shoulder, I chuckled, “Well next time tell me. I want to help too.”
Michael’s face brightened. “Really?”
“Yes!” I threw my arms around his neck. “Anything that concerns you concerns me. Especially the children!”
Michael was so endearing when he was shy.
“Brynn…” Michael wrapped a lock of my hair around his long, thin fingers.
“I’m glad that you feel the same as I do about helping the less fortunate.”
“Of course, Baby. It’s one of the reasons I love you so much, your giving heart.” I grinned and pecked the tip of his impish nose.
“Well, there was something I wanted, and I wanted to ask you properly…” Michael drew a deep breath and grabbed onto my hands.
My own breaths quickened.
Was Michael Jackson about to pop the question?
Not quite, but the question he asked instead was just as thrilling.
“Brynn, would you honor me by being my date to the HAA Awards?”
My jaw dropped.
Michael Jackson was inviting me to share in the awards proceedings with him!
“Yes Sweet Baby! Yes! I’ll go!” I gushed and pressed my lips to Michael’s, triumphantly.
I couldn’t remember the last time I had been that happy.

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