Sunday, August 21, 2011

Chapter 11

The Following Morning

“Wake up Miss Brynn.”
I was roused by a hand gently shaking my shoulder.
I opened my eyes and squinted. My room was dimmer than usual.
I could barely make out the face that was about a foot from mine.
“Juan-Carlos?” I mumbled and rubbed my eyes.
“Yes Miss Brynn.” He snapped on the lamp on my bedside table.
“Why is it so dark? What time is it?” I questioned sitting up in bed.
“It’s three-thirty.” Juan-Carlos replied.
“Three-thirty?” I exclaimed, staring at him, my eyes stinging from the sudden light. “Why are you waking me up so early?” I hadn’t been up that early in my entire life.
“Mr. Prince insisted. You have a photo shoot over at Paisley Park and it’s going to last all day. He said he needed you bright and early.” Juan-Carlos explained.
“Bright my ass. It’s still nighttime.” I groaned under my breath.
“He wants you downstairs to the car in thirty minutes.” Juan-Carlos made a speedy exit when he saw that I was stewing.
“I don’t care if I do get a picture in Paisley Park, this is too damn early.” I complained to no one.
While in the shower, I contemplated why I was up at such a crazy hour. I figured that Prince must have had a lot planned for that day if he was making me get up before the sun.
Also I was a little worried about what kind of outfits I’d have to wear. Wearing scandalous outfits around Prince and being photographed in them were two different things.
I had seen the photos on display all over Paisley Park, I knew that if Michael had seen me in something like that, he’d be angry with me.
I was so utterly confused. I knew that I had been trying to change Prince’s perception of me, but Michael was always on my mind.
I just hoped that Michael would never, ever made a trip to Paisley Park and see my photo.
As I made my way down to wait for the car, I made up my mind. I would walk a fine line and try to balance Prince’s extravagant wants with Michael’s conservative ones.
With one last thought, I ran back up and retrieved my phone.

* * *

A sleepy looking, yet immaculately made-up Mindy met me at the doors of Paisley Park.
She quickly explained that there would be a change of plans. Instead of being made up in the salon like I was every morning, Prince wanted us to report to Studio D as soon as possible.
As we made our way to the studio, I questioned nervously, more nervous than I had been my first day getting made up.
I was shocked when Mindy said she had no idea, that Prince had sent out for clothes and she had yet to see what she was going to be working with.
Upon entering Studio D, I saw that the place had been split into three different photo shoot sets:
One appeared to be a school scene, complete with a desk and chalk board. Scrawled on the chalk board was the word “sexy” in a bright purple chalk that clashed with the green of the board.
Another consisted of a light blue back drop and had a matching chaise lounge waiting to be sat on.
The next one worried me a bit.
It appeared to be a human sized cage set up against a sparkly background. God only knew what Prince had in mind with that. And yet again, I was intrigued.
“Wow, this is neat.” I giggled as I followed Mindy to the make up/dressing area that had been set up on the other side of the studio across from the massive stage area.
“It does look nice. This is my first photo shoot.” Mindy confided as I took my seat in front of a large makeshift counter covered with cosmetics and hot rollers in front of a big round mirror. Next to it was a large rack loaded with clothes covered by black zip up bags.
“It’s your first shoot? Really?” I asked.
“Yes, because when Mr. Prince usually hires another make up person to get him ready for shoots. I just usually make him up for daily things, and some outings. And well, you know about Manuela.” Mindy sighed and blew a curl out of her eyes. “Mr. Prince is in the salon now getting made up.” I detected a note of jealousy in her voice. I was sure that she wanted to be able to say she was responsible for primping Prince.

“That’s okay. I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” I yawned. I was still a bit drowsy and beginning to become hungry. So far that day, all I had had was a cup of coffee, because I was in such a rush to get to the studios.
“I don’t really know what to do; Mr. Prince didn’t tell me what to do.” Mindy tapped her foot impatiently. “And I can’t disturb him because he’ll get angry.”
“Is Suki here? She might know?” I suggested, sensing Mindy was starting to get worried.
“She went back downtown to get some extra rolls of film. We’re in for a long, long day.” Mindy giggled.
“Mindy?” A voice asked.
Mindy and I looked up to see Jimmy hulking towards us.
A blue folder was tucked under his left arm.
“Yeah Jimmy?” Mindy leaned against my chair.
“Mr. Prince wanted me to give this to you.” He handed Mindy the blue folder. “It details all the looks he wants you to make happen. Mr. Prince will be down in about hour.” Jimmy nodded.
“Oh…is he still with his stylist?” Mindy questioned bitterly.
“Yes.” Jimmy nodded solemnly and started to make his exit.
Mindy flipped the folder open.
“Lord, Mr. Prince actually noted exactly which cosmetics to use on you. How he wants your hair. Damn.” Mindy shook her head. “He pays so much attention to detail. Everything down to the shoes. I hope I do well.”
“Don’t worry about it.” I assured her as she started parting and rolling my hair. “What’s the first shot?” I asked.
“Um, over at that blue couch.” Mindy explained.
“Okay. I still can’t believe it, he’s gonna hang a photo in Paisley Park. It’s so cool.” I chuckled to myself, deliciously happy.
As Mindy began to slather me with make-up, my phone started ringing.
“Michael’s calling me now? It’s only a little after four, right?” I wondered as Mindy tinged my cheeks with blush.
She glanced at her watch and mouthed the word “Yes.”
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and flipped it open.
“Michael? Is everything okay?” I said, hoping nothing was wrong to prompt an early-bird phone call.
“Yes honey, I just was feeling a little lonely and wanted to hear your voice. I hope I didn’t wake you up.” Michael hee-hee’d quietly.
“No…I’ve been up for a while.” I closed my eyes as Mindy came at me with a eye shadow brush, covered with lime green shadow. I felt bad that he was feeling lonely. Even though I was concerned with Prince, Michael was never far from my thoughts.
“You have? Oh Brynn, you need your rest if you’re going to work.” Michael fretted.
“Actually, I am working.” I said nervously.
“Prince has you up this early? What for?” Michael squealed and the hairs on my neck stood up.
I had been dreading this call, and I had even skipped calling Michael the day before to avoid that argument.
“Um…well…Prince is having me do a photo shoot with him. And we’re doing a lot of looks, so I had to get up early to get ready for it.”
I said haltingly, worried that Michael would fly off the handle at the slightest inclination.
“A photo shoot? Oh Brynn, honey I don’t know. I’ve been doing some looking around on the internet and I’ve seen pictures of some of the women he used to work with. They dressed so…so…”Michael struggled to find a word.
“Sexy?” I suggested and heard Mindy chuckle.

“Um, they look pretty, but just kind of…um, loose.” Michael finally completed his thought. “You’re just so sweet Brynn. I just can’t imagine you in those types of clothing.”
My eyes popped open and I almost got stuck in one with a sharp eyeliner pencil.
Waving Mindy away, I asked impulsively,
“Michael, do you think I’m sexy?”
I noticed that Mindy was staring at me, jaw dropped.
Trying to keep my conversation private, I got up and walked a few feet away from her to make sure Mindy was out of earshot.
“Michael? Do you?” I demanded, a raw pain starting in the pit of my stomach. I was afraid that he didn’t think I was.
“Oh gosh, Brynn, of course I think you’re sexy. Why would you ask something like that sweetie?” Michael questioned.
“I’ve never heard you say it.” I looked down at my slippers.
“I’ve never said it? God, Brynn I’m sorry. I think you’re sexy. I do! I really do!” Michael’s voice spiked in decibels. “I never realized I hadn’t told you that. Oh baby!” Michael whimpered.
“Michael, I just wanted to know what you thought” I fidgeted a bit, a smile lighting my face. “I think you’re sexy too.” I whispered.
Oh Brynn!” Michael started giggling uncontrollably.
“Brynn! I need to do your hair!” Mindy called out, and I knew she was probably counting every second tick by.
“Michael, I gotta go, but I’ll call you later? Okay?” I was giddy. For the longest, I had believed that Michael just thought I was cute and nothing else.
“Yes! I love you…” Michael continued with his giggles.
“You too.” I smiled, taking the phone from my ear and snapping it closed.
I jogged back over to Mindy, a smile still plastered on my face.
“Let’s get this show on the road girl!” I tapped her arm, warm with appreciation.
And for a moment, I forgot all about Prince, and my on/off attraction to him.
* * *

An Hour Later

Mindy was putting the finishing touches on my hair, which had been all brushed to one side, leaving one of my ears exposed.
My face was heavily made up with a shocking green eye shadow that appeared brighter than it had been on the brush.
Mindy stood, quiet as a sand dune in the middle of a desert since, and I knew she was probably preoccupied with a million thoughts, all of them concerning Prince’s approval of her work.
Behind us, the doors to the studio opened.
Prince, accompanied by Suki and Jimmy entered.
I had to turn in my chair to gaze at him.
Prince was truly captivating in a light blue, tailored suit with wide shoulders, over a lime green shirt. A green and blue striped tie and pocket square added a point of interest while a blue fedora completed the look.
His fingers glittered with gold rings.
Suki looked like another rainbow had fallen on her.
She wore a loud multicolored striped shift dress and amazingly, none of the blues in the dress matched her hair. She wore yellow socks and red high tops on her tiny feet.
A bunch of bright colored bangles lined her arms.
A large Pentax camera hung around her neck from a black strap.
“Good morning, Mr. Prince.” Mindy murmured as he made a beeline towards me, Suki trying to keep up with him.
Prince, once again ignored her, and stared directly at me.
“Uh, hi.” I said quietly as his eyes pieced mine. It was incredible that he had yet to speak a word and was commanding such presence.
“Good morning Brynn! You look so nice!” Suki exclaimed pushing past Prince.
It was nice that at least someone thought that Mindy had done a good job and that I looked pleasant. I actually heard Mindy sigh in relief.
Prince stared at Suki, miffed, then made his way over to the clothing rack and selected a black zip up bag.
“Prince, don’t you think I look nice?” I questioned, as he handed me the bag.
“I’ll make a decision once I see the entire thing.” Prince held onto my arm as I rose from the chair.
Giving him a cold glare, I said,
“Well I think you look nice.”
With that I followed Mindy over to the dressing area.
It wasn’t much, just a rickety stall that poorly mimicked the ones in the salon.
Even though the changing stall was pretty crappy, my outfit more than made up for it.
I took my robe off and slipped into a light green, off the shoulder, clingy minidress that was trimmed with a green and blue striped piping that matched Prince’s tie perfectly.
I paired the dress with striped elbow gloves, the right one featuring a large gold metallic version of Prince’s symbol, and green cuffed knee-high boots also trimmed with the striped fabric.
“So…how do I look?” I questioned stepping out of the stall. I didn’t know why, but a sudden need for Prince’s approval swept over me.
Prince smirked at me.
“Looks alright, but it needs something.” Prince approached me.
I watched anxiously as he dug into his pants pocket and came up with his hand balled.
“This is for you.” Prince opened his hand right under my chin.
A small gold symbol earring glittered in his hand.
“Another gift?” I was flattered to receive another piece of jewelry and tilted my head as he put the bauble in my ear.
“Yes.” Prince pecked at my cheek.
“You look beautiful.” He whispered in my ear. I felt chills.
“Come on.” Prince intertwined his fingers with mine and led me towards the blue couch.
As I took a seat on the couch and Suki went around checking the lighting with a small handheld meter, I asked timidly,
“What exactly am I supposed to do?”
Prince sat next to me and crossed his legs.
“Just do what you do best.” He instructed.
“And what’s that? Singing?” I glanced at him.
Prince’s eyes glittered as he replied,
“Be a little hottie.”
I looked down at my feet, my cheeks growing warm.
“Okay, here we go!” Suki announced interrupting my hot moment, rushing over, camera poised to shoot.
The couch shoot was fairly simple, all she seemed to want was photos of Prince and me looking in various directions seriously, and not really having any bodily contact with each other. Most of them had my right arm extended, displaying the large gold symbol. I felt like a walking billboard for all things Prince-related.
The next shoot, which actually involved using the stage was the first time we came into physical contact.
I was dressed in a skintight bodysuit that was half cobalt blue and periwinkle blue, with one arm and leg exposed. It was trimmed in feathers dyed to match the fabric.
My hair was all down and teased to its highest and my eyes were crusted with heavy blue eye shadow.
Prince wore a blue full length fur coat over a second-skin silver spandex bodysuit. And for an offbeat punch of color, he held a bright red guitar in the shape of the symbol. His hair sparkled with silver glitter.
My poses ranged from clinging to his leg as he pretended to play--which was hard, because all of his “assets” were accentuated-- to wrapping my arms around his waist and staring at him adoringly, as if I was enamored with the pseudo-playing he was doing.
Prince even looped his guitar over me, allowing me to “play”.
So far things were going good. Then I saw what I had to wear for the third set of shots, which was centered around the classroom type set.

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