Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chapter 13

The Salon
Paisley Park
The Following Day

“…did you ever warm up from yesterday?” Mindy questioned as she picked at my hair. It was back in curls. I figured that he would want my hair back that way since it had been like that since Day One.
“Yeah, it only took about a two hour soak in a tub of hot water before I felt human again.” I giggled. “ For a while there, I felt like a little fudgecicle.”
“I know, but you handled the last shoot beautifully. I really thought you were gonna knock Mr. Prince on his ass.” Mindy shook her head as she continued to tease my hair up.
“Don’t think it didn’t run through my mind…” I tapped my fingers in my lap thoughtfully, remembering how warm Prince had felt.
I had almost completely forgotten about the cold when I held onto him.
There was definitely something there…
But I knew I couldn’t do anything about it. Not as long as Michael was in the picture. And I wanted to keep Michael in the picture.
I loved him.
I was sure my little feelings for Prince would pass once I went back to California at the end of the week. (At least that’s what I kept telling myself.)
“Can I tell you something?” Mindy questioned as she handed me the garment bag containing my outfit for the day.
“Sure.” I replied going off into the stall, to change into my outfit--a dark green long sleeved minidress, trimmed around the cuffs and hemline in Prince’s symbols, embroidered in gold thread.
“Mr. Prince was talking about the photos you took, he said he saw the proofs--he was really pleased with the pictures.” Mindy’s voice brimmed with giddiness.
I grinned to myself, once again soaring at the thought that Prince has liked what I had done.
“I don’t think he slept much last night, as far as I know he was up all night reviewing the shots. He looked a little tired this morning.” Mindy hung around outside the stall door.
As I slipped into a pair of strappy gold pumps, I tried to imagine what Prince looked like tired and maybe even without make up on.
I found that I simply couldn’t do it.

Every time I saw Prince, he was dressed very well and coiffed like he was five minutes away from doing a live concert.
Always confident, and a bit raw.
“Does he look much different without make up on?” I questioned, exiting the stall.
Mindy’s face squinched up. “Not really. All I really put on his face is a little concealer, foundation and maybe mascara. Very minimalist, but since he’s so light, it does make a difference. I just try to impact his eyes as much as possible because he has very pretty eyes.” Mindy giggled as I sat on the white couch.
That was true, my knees did get weak whenever he glanced at me.
I chuckled quietly as Mindy went back over and started to clear her station.
“Good morning ladies…” A deep voice rumbled.
Jimmy strode into the room and over to me.
“Mr. Prince is waiting for you in the front hall, he told me to tell you, he has something to show you.” Jimmy informed me.
“Oh, okay.” I shrugged, getting to my feet.
“You too Mindy.” With that, Jimmy turned and left the room.
“Well let’s go see what Mighty Mouse wants.” I flipped my hair casually.
Mindy and I made our way out the room and down the stairs to see what Prince wanted.
I just hoped that it didn’t involve anything where I had to leave the building, after my near brush with pneumonia the day before, I almost didn’t report for my daily primping.
Prince was leaning on the front double doors of the building, looking outside.
As Mindy and I neared him, I could make out that he was humming a tune.
I stopped a moment, and just looked at Prince.
His stance was so powerful, I forgot how short he was. His svelte body was clad in a thin burgundy rhinestone studded turtleneck shirt, over a pair of matching form-fitting trousers.
Even his hair, apparently blown straight, sparkled with glitter.
“Mr. Prince?” Jimmy implored after a few quiet moments.
Prince looked up thoughtfully and turned to face us.
Dark Versace sunglasses hid his eyes. And dark under-eye circles I presumed.
“Oh…” He cleared his throat. “Brynn--” He addressed me.
“Yes Prince?” I smiled at him.
Prince made his way over to me.
“I have something I want to show you. “ He indicated Mindy and Jimmy with a toss of his head. “You guys too.”
Prince looped his arm around my waist and led us down the hall, the hallway that was lined with photos of his protégées.
Near the Game Room, there was a large purple sheet covering what appeared to be a large photo frame.
My breath caught in my throat.
“You already have a picture in here? But we took them yesterday!” I was flabbergasted.
He ignored the question.
“You know Brynn, I was up half the night trying to figure out what photo to hang in here.” Prince tapped his fingers against my waist, an action that made me almost tremble with excitement.
“There were five different looks, and you took so many good photographs. You really are photogenic. Hard as hell. But I think I found the perfect shot that screams Paisley Park.” Prince let go of me and moved over to the sheet.
With a swift tug, the purple tarp fell to the floor.
Mindy and I both released high pitched squeals.
I suppose she was squealing because Prince was happy with the work she had done on me. I was just pleased that the photo was tasteful.
It was from the first shoot in the green and blue.
I was in the forefront of photo, on the blue chaise lounge, arm extended displaying the large symbol on my glove, a sultry pout to my face; Prince stood behind the lounge, hands on hips, looking sneaky and sexy.
Oh my God! I love it!” Without thinking, I rushed over and threw my arms around Prince.
“I love it. It looks great! I mean I look good! You look good! Oooh!” I kissed his cheek with a loud smack.
Coming back down to earth, I realized that I had openly been affectionate to Prince, and quickly shrank back, a warm mix of embarrassment and elation rushing through me.
Prince took the hug and kiss all in stride.
“And since you worked so hard--Mindy, making Brynn look so nice, Jimmy for running around behind me all day, and Brynn…” Prince grasped my hands in his gently. “Brynn, for being so gorgeous…I’ve decided to give everyone the day off!” Prince gave me the mousy grin I had grown accustomed to.
“I get the day off…on a Tuesday?” Mindy put her hands to her face. “Thank you Mr. Prince! Thank you!” She exclaimed. I knew in her eyes, she had just won the lottery.
I thought she was going to copy me and also hug and kiss on Prince, she seemed so happy.
Jimmy was more subdued, offering a mere “Thank you, sir” before he and Mindy turned to leave.
As the double doors to the studio closed behind them, I gazed over at Prince.
He was studying the photograph.
“Um, thank you.” I said meekly, looking at my feet.
“What for?” Prince asked absently, still looking at the photo.
“For putting this photo in here instead of one of the other ones. You know, the ones where I’m not wearing as much. I, uh, I appreciate it.” I fidgeted nervously.

“I was half tempted to put up the one of you in those black panties, but I knew you’d probably bother the shit outta me over it. So, that’s what ended up going up.” Prince glanced at me over the top of his shades.
“Thank you for using your better judgment.” I beamed at him.
“You did look good yesterday.” He got uncomfortably close to me. “And you look even better today.” Prince wet his lips in my face.
Stepping back, I mumbled quickly, “I should go call Michael, he’s been wondering what the picture that goes up in here would look like, I should go let him know.” I tried to brush past Prince.
“Michael can wait.” Prince insisted. “I have something for you..” He grabbed onto my hand.
“Y-y-you do?” My voice shook. I was extremely afraid that Prince would try something vulgar.
“Yes, it’s in the Game Room.” Prince nodded and walked us over to the neon doors, holding one open for me.
Truly curious, but extremely cautious, I moved slowly and tentatively into the room.
Prince closed the door behind us.
My eyes flicked around the room and came to rest on a small rectangular box that was setting in the middle of the electric blue crescent shaped couch. It was wrapped in a light purple paper and topped with a darker plum bow.
“Is that for me?” I glanced back at Prince who was leaning casually against the door.
He silently nodded.
I went over to the couch and picked up the box; it was very light in weight.
I gingerly unwrapped the box, paper falling to the floor and came up with a white iPod covered in violet rhinestones.
“You got me an iPod?” I looked up at him, confused. He knew I already had one that Michael had given me.
“Yes, but this one is different.” Prince sauntered over and took the gadget from me. “The little red one you have has nothing but Michael’s music on it. This one is filled with mine.”
“Oh…thank you.” I reached for it.
“I want you to learn a few of my songs, other than 1999, Purple Rain and Little Red Corvette. You see, this Friday before you go back to California, I was thinking about having a little jam session with some of my band mates.”
Prince tapped his foot on the floor.
“I get to sing with your band?” I could actually feel my eyes swelling with amazement. I had never performed with a real band ever, just a track of pre-recorded music.
“Yeah” Prince handed me the iPod. “ But I want to initiate you quick and hip you to the kind of stuff we sing.” He pointed at my gift.
“Turn it on and scroll through some of the songs.” He instructed.
I did as I was told and started skimming through song titles.
Head? Sister? Jack U Off? Billy Jack Bitch?” I stared up at him.
“I dunno if I can sing this…I mean the titles seem a little…” My mind searched for the appropriate word. “Raunchy.”
None of the music I had ever listened to or performed had any words stronger than “damn” in them. I could only imagine what Prince would be singing about at his dirtiest.
Prince giggled.
“Well if you want to sing with me Friday, you’ll have to learn the lyrics to most of those songs, I only put thirty songs on there. Right now Jimmy is delivering the lyrics to your room, so you can learn them.” Prince reached out and tapped my nose.
“It won’t be so bad, unless that kind of music makes you worried.” Prince hissed the last word and grinned.
Putting on a brave face, I made myself say,
“I’m not worried, I just don’t think that some of the stuff you sing is cool for me to sing.” I twirled the iPod in my hands.
“You’re over eighteen. You can sing any word you want, and I expect you to sing all the music on the iPod.” Prince crossed his arm and regarded me coldly.
“But Michael…” I started. Prince shot his hand up, swiftly silencing me.
He leaned and said into my ear, “Remember, you’re here for Michael. You did agree to sing for me. And you have to sing whatever I ask of you. Or I’ll call the deal off so fast your neck’ll snap from spinning so fast.”
I glanced at Prince’s face and over the side of his sunglasses, I saw that his eyes were widened and looked fierce.

I knew that I would have to sing the song or Michael might have tossed me out on the street for ruining a chance for a successful comeback.
“Alright. I’ll try the songs.” I said remorsefully, hoping that I wouldn’t end up singing anything that would send me to Hell.

* * *

Prince’s Home
That Night

I sat soaking in the large cinnamon bathtub in my room, deep in thought. I had just gotten off the phone with Michael, telling him about the photo that Prince had selected to hang in Paisley Park.
Michael seemed extremely pleased that Prince has chosen the most demure picture of the bunch.
(Of course, I neglected to tell him about the racier outfits. Even though I had modeled five different outfits, I saw to it that Michael only knew about two
--the green dress, and the blue/turquoise body suit.)
It was such a hard thing to do, please both Michael and Prince. Michael was biding his time in California, hoping that I stayed as fresh and innocent I had always been around him and it seemed that in Minnesota, Prince was trying everything under the sun to turn me into a little vixen.
I just hoped that I could keep the two personas from overlapping because my being sweet seemed to upset Prince and I knew that if I acted overly sexy, Michael would be appalled.
Thinking about Prince’s end, I was shaken by the music and lyrics he was tossing at me. I hadn’t yet played any of the songs on my purple iPod, but I had given the lyrics book a cursory glance and what I saw almost knocked the curls out of my hair.
The thirty songs Prince had given me to try to learn covered everything from explicit sexual displays to--as the song Head illustrated--immoral acts.
I was mortified a hundred-fold by a single line that was so shameful, I didn't have the heart to repeat it in my mind. How I'd manage to sing it would be a feat.
Prince appeared to be even more perverse that I had first expected.
Even though it frightened me, I found myself even more interested and intrigued by him.
So raw, he was saying things that Michael probably would never.
Taboo, X-rated things. Michael couldn’t even say the “F” word and Prince had it peppering almost every song in my lyrics book.
I just knew that in order to make those words come out of my mouth, I’d have concentrate on getting it over as quickly as possible.
I got out of the tub and slipped into my symbol robe, wondering if I’d have the nerve to play any of the music on the iPod. But I knew if I didn’t and tried to sing the songs without any idea of the musical arrangement, Prince would be pissed.
I didn’t know what to do.
Deciding it was in my best interest to listen to the music, I quickly donned a pair of red and white striped pajamas and started to get in bed, iPod in hand.
As I peeled back the thick blankets, I was startled by a swift and hard knock on the door.
Regaining my composure, I called,
“Who is it?”
Prince!” came the reply.
Not really thinking about it, I said,
“Door’s open!” and went back to turning my bed down.
I glanced up as the door swung open.
Prince stood in the doorway, clad in an ivory tone on tone paisley print velvet robe. The color of the robe made him appear luminous.
My iPod fell to the floor as I looked him fully up and down.
A matching scarf was wrapped around his head.
My eyes moved down past the large black silk rose he was holding down to the boots that coordinated with his robe. A peek of chest hair was barely visible over the top of his robe that was open and showing a bit of his neck.
I gazed at his face, and gasped.
Something in his face was unnerving. His hazel eyes were narrowed a bit and glowed with an almost green inner light. He appeared sinister.
His mouth was pouted, cheeks purposefully caved, making his cheekbones more prominent.
Prince?” I questioned, shaken by the raw sexuality that seemed to radiate from him.

Prince said nothing but approached me, every step deliberate, swaggering coolly. His robe swayed.
He stood about a foot from me, and extended his hand to me, offering me the flower.
My heart pounded as I took the rose from him.
Prince continued to stare, so long, and I could feel my heart thudding in my ears.
“Please…say something.” I begged quietly, trying to look away from the hungry gaze he was giving me. The silence was terrible.
Prince’s tongue darted from in his mouth and wet his lips.
I could feel a strain start inside of me, as I warmed from my head to my toes.
“You look like a big peppermint stick.” Prince observed almost inaudibly.
A nerve racked chuckle escaped me.
“Uh…thank you…” I looked down at the flower in my hands.
“You look very pretty. Your hair is loosening up again.” Prince reached up and twirled a lock of my hair.
His knuckles brushed my ear--I felt chills.
“Yeah,” I swatted his hand away and tried to move away from him. I knew if I didn’t soon, something bad was going to happen.
As I ducked to the side, Prince ducked along with me and blocked my way.
I swerved to the other side and Prince once again met me.
We played cat and mouse for several moments, before Prince finally placed his hands on my shoulders, holding me in place.
“You’re giving me motion sickness Brynn.” He chuckled.
Prince got in so close to me that his lavender scent was almost overpowering.
I could feel my knees weakening.
Prince reached up and stroked my cheek, his touch sparking my skin and making my stomach flip like a Chinese acrobat.
“You’re so innocent, so young. Only nineteen Brynn.” Prince whispered, forcing me to look into his eyes. “You’re only nineteen.”
I grabbed onto his wrist, not to shove his hand away, but because I needed something to hold on to keep from joining my iPod lying on the carpet.
“You don’t know anything about men. Nothing at all. It’s oh, so exciting.” Prince continued to whisper, his face coming dangerously near mine.
I just stared at him helplessly. I was drowning in his seducing glare. And I knew there was no lifesaver to rescue me.
“You’re a little virgin.”
Prince continued to stare at me and I shrank under his dirty look.
Without warning, Prince gripped my shoulders and pushed me into the small space between the bed and the nightstand so hard, that the gilded symbol over my bed swung.
His eyes pierced mine for a split second before his mouth smashed against mine passionately.
I squirmed hotly against him, unable to move my arms, as he bore down on my mouth without restraint. His mouth was so sweet and intoxicating. Once again after a few short moments, I felt the wetness of his tongue trying to get past my lips and gain entry into my mouth.
Something made me accept it. Our tongues touched and the sensation made me snap my head to the side. I realized I was panting.
Prince reached up with a hand and directed my mouth back to his. His tongue slid against mine again, wet and tasting of mints.
Prince forced my mouth open wider and pushed his tongue further until it swabbed the back of my throat.
With his other hand, Prince placed my hand on his buttock and squeezed down on it so that I had a handful of cheek. It was firm to the touch and incredibly toned.
Turning my head from him, I gasped, “Oh my God!”
Mouth to my ear, Prince announced, “I want to undress you.”
I moved back, a sudden feeling of fear needling me.
Prince wanted to do me.
My attention flooded back to him as he remarked,
“I really like those cute pajamas, they’d look better laying on the floor.”
He began to unbutton my top.
“Wait!” I nervously pushed his hands away.
“You’re not pulling that stunt you pulled before.” Prince sneered.
Pointing at my chest he said, “You’ve been bouncing those things around me for a solid week. I can see your nipples poking through that top. I want to see the whole thing.”
He went at the buttons again.
No!” I shoved his hands for a second time. I was scared to find out what he wanted to do to me and at the same time I wanted to know.
“Bullshit.” Prince said and his face hardened. Gripping my shirt with both hands, he yanked on it, ripping the material, sending buttons flying and exposing my breasts.
Ooohhh.” I groaned, more defeated than aroused.
Prince’s eyes scanned my bosom greedily.
Damn, your titties are cute. Didn’t realize they were that big. Perky too.” Prince chuckled pressing my shoulders against the wall, making my chest stick out more.

“What are you going to do to me?” I whimpered, my body trembling as a cool breeze hit me.
Another mousy smile.
“Turn you out.” Prince replied simply. “Don’t be scared.”
He went to kiss me and instinctively, I shoved him in the chest.
“Stop being so damn scared! Once I get this shit going, you’re never gonna want me to get off you.” Prince lifted my arms up, holding them above me in a semi-circle and I was against the wall with nowhere to go. He was gripping my arms so hard and tightly, they hurt.
I struggled against him, but the effect only made him hotter.
“Brynn, your titties are bouncing.” Prince observed, and mashed his body against mine and his mouth to mine once more.
The chest hair coming out the loosening top of his robe was coarse and rubbed painfully against my chest.
For a moment, I wondered if he was naked under the robe.
But his mouth was seducing. The more he pecked at me, the more jellified my knees became.
I mumbled incoherently.
I felt Prince take one of his hands off my arm.
For a while he held my face in place as he unleashed his tongue in my mouth once more, making me suck on it.
I then noticed that his hand started making its descent down south.
I jerked violently as his hand slid into my pajama bottoms and off into my underwear.
Stop Prince!” I screeched, frightened whipping my head from side to side.
I twisted my lower half and squeezed my legs together as tightly as possible.
“No…I know you want this.” Prince refused and I felt him pushing his leg between mine to open them back.
Please!” I shrieked as I felt two of Prince’s fingers enter me.
“Shut up.” Prince’s kisses were fiercer than ever.
His fingers slid back and forth, touching me where I’d never been touched by anyone but Michael.
His breath was acrid against my eardrum,
“This is too much fun. I haven’t had a virgin in years.”
Unable to control myself, I exclaimed,
“I’m not a virgin!”
Prince quickly let go of my arms and pulled his hand from my panties.
What?” He stared at me and I saw an angry flame burning in his amber colored eyes.
Crossing my arms over my bare chest I replied solemnly, weaker than ever,
“Prince, I’m not a virgin.”
“When?” Prince tapped his foot. His stance was stony and threatening.
“When what?” My voice quaked.
“When did you lose your virginity?” Prince demanded.
“That’s none of your business.” I shook my head, dread filling me.
Prince grabbed my chin and forced me to look him in the eye.
“I’m asking you again: when did you lose it?”
His voice was colder than an ice cube.
Not really wanting to give away all the sordid details of my brief love life, I mumbled,
“What’s ‘recently‘? This week? This month? This year?” Prince’s voice was so monotone and shiftless that it chilled me to my bone marrow.
“This…this year.” My hands shook and I returned my gaze to the floor, too scared to look at Prince any longer.
Prince was alarmingly quiet for a long while and I snuck a glance up at him. He was staring at me with a curious expression.
“So that’s why you’ve been flying around at Michael Jackson’s every beck and call: you’ve been screwing him.” Prince stated, no emotion to his face.
My eyes widened in horror. How had he figured it out? How long had he known? Michael was going to kill me!
Moving along the wall, and around the table, trying to get past Prince, I said feebly,
“I never said anything about Michael. You’re putting words in my mouth.
I could have been with someone else other than Michael. He’s just a friend.”
I didn’t know who I was trying to convince, Prince or myself.
“Oh yeah? Who else could it have been? That Rusty dude? Don’t lie to me Brynn. I knew it.” He pointed an accusing finger at me.
“I knew it. You were scared to kiss me that day and then the next day Michael sent you that expensive-ass bracelet. You are fucking with Michael Jackson. Tell me I’m wrong.” Prince demanded tapping his foot on the floor.
Stricken, I whimpered,
“You weren’t supposed to know. Nobody is supposed to know. I’m sorry.” Tears started falling down my cheeks. In dismay, I threw the black rose down.
They fell harder when Prince turned his back to me and walked over to the center of the room, standing directly under the large round light fixture hanging from the ceiling. He stared up at it, silence filling the air between us.
I continued to cry, feeling as if the universe had caved in on me.
All I could think about was that Michael would have me killed on the spot if he knew Prince knew about us.
He would have been so disappointed with me. Michael might have even hit me.

Prince, back still turned, announced,
“You’re still a virgin, Brynn.”
“What do you mean?” I sniffled. I was confused.
“You said you slept with Michael. That’s gotta be the most boring sex in the world. I bet he only lands you on your back. No creativity.”
Prince turned swiftly and approached me.
“I bet he does silly little shit with you. He doesn’t know how to handle a girl like you, and you don’t know what the hell you’re missing because you didn’t have anyone before him.” He was arrogant again.
My body stiffened, it made me angry that he’d insult Michael’s love techniques. I was perfectly satisfied with being “landed on my back.”
Just being near him made me happy.
In spite of myself, I inquired, “What am I missing?”
Prince loomed over me. “Has Michael ever kissed your rose petals?”
I stared up at him, every emotion known to man coursing through me.
“Rose petals?” I pressed myself against the wall as Prince got closer to me.
Leaning in and whispering harshly to me, he replied,
He tapped my private area through my clothing.
“Eww! No!” I jerked against the wall so hard that I bumped my head.
“He ever put his thing in your mouth?” Prince giggled.
“No! He’d never do any of those things! That’s disgusting!” I wailed.
“How do you know it’s disgusting? You’ve never done it before.” Prince pointed out.
“It just is.” I said stubbornly.
“You don’t know what it’s like to be with a real man Brynn…I said I’m gonna turn you out and I’m going to.” His voice was lethal. “I always keep my word.”
Shoving my shoulder hard, Prince pushed me around so that I was facing the wall. He pulled my tattered top off and threw it on the floor next to my iPod.
No!” I screamed as Prince wrapped his arms around my waist and started pulling me towards the door.
He was going to take me to his room!
Yes.” Prince was overpowering me and my attempts to flee his grasp all turned up nothing. He pulled me out the room and into the dim hallway.
We began stumbling towards his bedroom. Halfway down the hall and near the decorative banister of the staircase, I managed to grab onto it and hung onto it with both hands. I was terribly afraid of Prince at this point and frightened that he was going to rape me. Even worse, I was excited at the thought. My mix of emotions were so confusing.
Nooooooooooooooo! Stop!” I shrieked clinging to it.
Fear was eating me up.
“Ten minutes ago, you were ready to give it up to me. I know you still want to! Them’s my drawers and I’m gonna get in them!” Prince moved his hands up and squeezed on my breasts so hard and tightly that it felt as though he were pulling them off my body!
Recoiling from the pain, my hands dropped from the railing and I sunk to the carpet, tired.
Prince bent down and tossed me over his velvety shoulder and continued down the hall.
I hung over it limply, tears falling across my forehead.
Prince kicked the door to his room open and rushing over to his bed, flung me across it.
I went down so fast, my vision was blurred.
A loud SLAM made me shake my head and as my eyes focused, I saw that Prince had slammed and was in the process of locking the double doors.
His room was dimmer than the hallway and I could see that dozens of white candles were lit on his dresser and side tables.
They cast strange shadows across the walls.
The room was heavy with the scent of vanilla.
Prince walked back over and stood end of the bed looking at me, a ferocity in his eyes that I had never seen before.
I quickly grabbed one of the throw pillows on his bed and clutched it to my chest.
“Oh hell no!” Prince stormed over and seized the pillow.
“Don’t you dare go hiding on me now!” He threw the pillow at me. It came within an inch of hitting me in the face and landed on the floor on the other side of the bed. I tried to cover myself with my hands again.
“I know you want me Brynn. You just don’t want to admit it.” He paced alongside the bed. “I could tell from the first time I saw you, I could tell by those eyes of yours. The way you looked at me. You just don’t want to do anything because of Michael Jackson.” Prince sniffed arrogantly.
“That’s…that’s right, Prince. I have Michael at home.” I managed to get out, feeling sick and guilty. It was shocking how a while before I had wanted Prince and now all I had wanted to do was get away from him.
Leaning into my face, Prince pointed out, “He’s what’s holding you back. I saw you when you were looking at my ass and when you were all on me in the studio. You can scream and cry and deny all the shit you want, but you can’t help your eyes. I see the fire, the flame, the want.”
I shut my eyes to avoid looking at him.
Prince was right. He was so frighteningly, truly right.
I was deathly attracted to him.
“I refuse to let you leave Minneapolis without seeing what you’re missing.” He giggled near my ear.
No!” I exclaimed and in a blast of power, I tried to rush past him.
I got a good three steps from him before Prince grabbed me by the hair and plunked me back on the bed.
My scalp burned.

“Don’t try that shit again.” Prince warned standing before me, a sinister expression forming on his face.
He ran his hands over his chest and across his abdomen.
Breathing deeply, he instructed,
“Lie down.”
Even in the darkened room, I could make out the intensity in his large eyes.
Something told me that if I didn’t obey him, I’d probably emerge from the room covered in bruises, if I emerged at all.
Reluctantly, I laid on my back, resting on the throw pillows on his bed. I watched him, a fusion of steady trepidation and stimulation making my body hotter with every passing second.
I was so frightened of him, but so taken with him at the same time.
Prince placed his hands on my wrists and gently tugged my hands from my chest, fully exposing my breasts to him again.
He rested his hand on the flesh between them for a moment.
We were both silent.
I was anticipating his next move.
Still silent his rested his spare hand along the other; both lingered there for a moment. My bosom was still sore from him mashing down on it earlier.
He finally spoke, the sudden sound of his voice made me jump. His voice was soft and had lost the hard edge it had had a moment before.
“Oh girl, I’m gonna do things to you that’ll have you sweating twenty years from now. You just don’t know, Brynn. You haven’t been taught. But I’m gonna teach you and you’re gonna learn.” He dropped both his hands to the waistband of my pajama bottoms.
Hurriedly, he pulled then off exposing my flimsy underwear, the only scrap of cloth covering me.
I shivered, not from being cold, but because I was actually excited.
A smirk touched Prince’s lips.
“You’ve got some nerve coming up in here with purple panties on! Purple!” He exclaimed and placed his hands on my thighs, his touch burning me.
“That’s a nice touch. Those match my room.” He chuckled.
Seriously, he added, “But I don’t care too much for them…they stop the juice.”
He placed his hands on one side of my panties. With a small snap, he had broken the side of them.
“Can’t wait to see those little petals of yours. Shit.” Prince was slow in pulling my panties off, moving gingerly, as if he were unwrapping a delicate piece of crystal.
He slipped them from around my ankles and clutched them in his hands, staring down at me. Indicating my private area with a shake of my torn undergarments, he chuckled,
“Should have figured you’d be bald down there. Bet that turns Michael on.”
Prince placed my underwear under his nose and inhaled deeply.
I stared at him stunned; Prince was smelling my panties!
He was truly unleashing his freaky side.
“That turns me on too.” He dropped my spent underwear to the carpet.
I could do nothing but watch, truly intrigued and arousal mounting.
Prince dropped to his knees at the side of the bed and holding onto my hips, pulled on me until my bottom was resting just at the edge of the bed.
“You smell so sweet. Like candy…” Prince, placing his hands on my inner thighs, spreading them open as far as my muscles would allow.
His hands were very cool and a bit clammy.
I was completely opened and exposed to Prince. He was looking at parts of me that only one other man had seen.
I knew I could have very easily kicked Prince in the face and made an escape, but something held me on the bed. I was unable to move. Some force was keeping there, my genitalia spread mere inches from Prince’s face.
“What are you going to do?” I questioned, looking over my body down at him, an idea of what taboo act he was about to perform on me.
“Take a taste of the candy.” Prince licked his thumb and began rubbing it against my “love button”.
Oh!” I gasped and fell back on the pillows.
Prince was going to make a meal of me!
“Don’t…I’ve never done this!” I begged, trying to sit up.
I fell once more when I felt Prince’s lips, steamy and wet, peck the top of my vaginal lips.
“I’m gonna make you mess this bed up.” Prince vowed, yanking the wrap off his head and tossing it on the covers.
His hair, loose and straight was combed back and out of the way.
I could feel Prince using his fingers to spread my inner folds open.
I watched as two of his manicured fingers disappeared inside of me again.
A bare whine fell out of my mouth as he began to rhythmically run his fingers back and forth inside of me.
I watched as Prince, wearing a large grin, placed his face smack in between my loins.
I lost my voice when I felt the wetness and roughness of his tongue join his fingers inside of me.
I clutched at the only thing available to me, a pillow, and pulled on it, in a fit of passion as Prince began to flick his tongue up and down.
After a short while, I had pulled the pillow apart and feathers floated across the bed and room.
I let it drop back to the bed, my hands shaking.
My breath quickened a hundred-fold.
With his free hand, Prince reached up and toyed with my breasts.
He alternated between lightly gripping and jiggling one and then the other.
Prince!” I exclaimed and grabbed onto his hand, watching his sexy face, half hidden by my lower regions, moving up and down as his plunged his tongue even deeper in me, to the point I could feel his teeth against me, his mouth was open so wide.
His hazel eyes glowed as he looked up at me, he winked, then looked back down into me.
I squeezed his hand tightly and moaned loudly as I felt myself beginning to succumb to his dirty deed.
Prince’s tongue and fingers began moving rapidly, rapidly, rapidly…
“Oh! Oh! No! Prince…ugh…Prince…oh…PRINCE!” I screamed so loudly that I was sure most of the state of Minnesota heard me.
Prince was slurping loudly, as if he was trying to drain my body of every liquid in it.

My body wrenched as a torrent of passion began releasing itself from my hips. I put my other hand over my face as an orgasm ravaged my body.
Prince, please! No! No! Oh! Aww! Ugh!” Tsunamis of heat were washing over me as I could feel myself succumbing again.
Limply, I loosened my grip on his hand, breathing heavier than ever.
I reached my hand down and ran it along the top of his head, through his soft hair.
He began to kiss my nether regions as freshly as he did my mouth.
I laid there speechless, staring at the top of his head, with his eyes closed kissing me deeper than I had ever been before. His little nose bumped my “love button” several times, causing me to jump.
A few moments later, Prince withdrew his face from between my legs, wiping the moistness from his lips and what had dampened his cheeks.
His facial hair glistened with sexual residue.
“That’s the sweetest little rose I’ve had in a while. You sure you’ve been fucked before? You’re extremely tight.” Prince smiled climbing to his feet.
“You felt like a virgin.” He leaned and tapped my chin with his wet and sticky fingertips. “And tasted like one.”
“I told you, I’m not a virgin.” I said defensively, my lower regions throbbing.
Taking a few steps back from the bed, Prince ran his hand from his chest down to his groin. My throat tightened when I saw how alarming large the bulge protruding from under the robe was.
He was staring at me, a new nasty, perverted expression on his face.
“Your turn to kiss my candy cane.” He said in a deep voice.
He then opened his robe and let it drop to the floor behind him.
I bit down on my bottom lip nervously as I watched it land on the floor.
He left his boots on.
And as I let my eyes drift up his body, I realized his boots were the only article of clothing he was wearing.
My eyes widened as I took in his exposed groin for the first time.
Extending from the thin patch on his stomach, a cloud of black pubic curls covered Prince’s large and engorged "scepter". It was the same butterscotch color as the rest of his skin. I could make out several veins standing out on it, like worms on a marble table.
Soft round "jewels", yellow and full, hung below his "scepter" and swung on their own, even though Prince wasn’t moving.
The hair spread off onto the inside of his toned thighs.
Prince crawled over and past me in his bed, his large booty wiggling as he moved.
Beyond my control, I brought my hand up and smacked his bottom.
“Oh you’re into that, huh baby?” Prince giggled as he laid on the pillows.
“I like your ass.” I smiled crawling up close to him. I didn’t feel as scared as I had been.
I wanted Prince.
“I think you’ll like my "pimp cane" better.” Prince sat up against the cloth headboard of his bed. I watched as he rubbed on himself with both hands clutching his thick male member.
“I’ve never done this, before.” I admitted as I twirled a lock of my hair and looked up at him innocently.
"'Bout time to learn." Prince chortled.
“Do you always have your women do this to you?” I asked running my hand through his chest hairs. I inhaled his cologne and sighed. He smelled so wonderful.
“Maybe.” Prince sighed and with one hand put my hand on his "scepter" .
It was so stiff, it was if he had rigor mortis. My hand barely fit around it.
“Rub it. I like that.” Prince ran a hand through my hair.
“Play with it.” He urged.
With both my hands I began tugging lightly on it.
Prince moaned lightly and rested his hand on the back of my neck.
I became aware of his grip tightening on it.
He pulled my ear close to his mouth which still smelled of…me.
“You got me so hot and hard, I might not make it past those pretty lips of yours. Don’t be surprised if I go off in your face.” His lips brushed my earlobe and I quivered. His voice was heavy in my ear.
I nodded solemnly, and Prince began pushing me towards his “candy cane”.
“The sweet treat is locked inside. You have to get it out.” He shoved my face down to the point where my mouth was inches from his groin.
He reached and tugged on my chin, opening my mouth.
“Don’t bite me either.”
Hesitating a few moments, I tried to bring myself to put my mouth on it.
Prince shoved the back of my head, and I fell onto his groin, his "candy cane" flying past my lips and partly down my throat.
My nose was firmly nestled amongst his pubic hair. Even his groin smelled of lavender.
“Kiss it.” Prince insisted, his hand still on my head.
I forced myself to start suckling him.
I looked up at him; he wore a grin of ecstasy.
Happy at his approval, I put more of my mouth onto him and jerked on his balls.
“You kiss so good…” A high pitched grunt exited his mouth
Doing the same thing he had done to me, I reached down and started parting Prince’s thighs, opening his legs as wide as I could get them, all the while "kissing" on him harder, as hard as I could.
I wanted him.
“Ah!…oh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” Prince was moaning louder than I had been and he was bouncing my head up and down on his crotch. His "jewels" banged against my chin.
I felt him wrap his legs around me, the heels of his boots poking me painfully in my back. But it was a joyous pain and I accepted it.
Prince’s voice began bouncing up and down in octaves and suddenly he jerked my hair harshly, pulling my face away from him.
His "scepter" , still engorged and dampened with my spit, glittered in the candlelight.
“What…did I do it wrong?” I gasped trying to undo his grip on my hair.
No…” Prince looked off in the distance.
I stared at him quietly.
He looked back at me and cocked his head to one side.
“I don’t want you to kiss on me, that’s too easy. Too damn easy.”
He tilted towards me, his eyes dancing. A few strands of hair fell into his face.
“Ever since I first saw you, I knew if I ever got you in my bed, I’d fuck you. I’ve wanted to fuck you since I first saw you with Michael Jackson--”
I clapped my hand over his mouth.
I didn’t want to think of Michael.
Not then.
Not there.
Prince pushed my hand away.
“And I’m going to. I’m gonna fuck you.” He repeated the phrase several times, almost like a mantra, his voice dropped lower with every repetition.
Prince heaved heavily. "I wanna fuck you till you don’t know your own name.”
“Straddle me.” He instructed and swiped his hair back.
I sat there a moment, the realization of what was happening, hitting me.
I was going to have sex with Prince!
I continued to contemplate getting on him.
I wanted him harshly, but I was afraid he would hurt me.
If he was anything like the ‘freak of the week’ he implied in his songs, I knew he would hurt me.
I suppose I took too long for Prince, because he grabbed me under my arms and pulled me so that my legs draped over his lower body.
He touched my face gently. He then dropped his hands to my breasts and squeezed them softly and I almost forgot him manhandling them in the hallway. His hands trickled around and down my back.
“I’ll be good to you. The best.” He chuckled and I could feel him fumbling with himself.
With a swift shove, Prince threw my body down on his and I felt him splitting and rushing inside me. He was just as large as Michael and the sudden pain of having him in me made me cry out .
Prince wrapped his arms around me and bounced me up and down on his "candy cane".
His breath was hot and minty as he grunted and moaned into my breasts which were around his face. His lips bumped my chest, sending shock waves through me.
Please! Prince! Stop! Please!” I begged, placing my hands on his shoulders, misty with perspiration, the feeling getting too good, too fast.
I tried to push away from him, but Prince held me with an ironclad grip.
He was grunting and moaning in spastic little bursts that were so erratic and high pitched, I couldn’t make out what he was saying.
Ugh!…Oh!…Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!” He groaned and I felt him sucking on one of my nipples.
Prince!” My fingernails scraped the cloth backboard as I wildly tried to find something to grip onto since most of Prince’s head was buried in and kissing my boobs.
My hands found their way onto the pointed ends of Prince’s symbol hanging overhead.
It was a wonder I didn’t slice my hands on the pointed edges of it.
I knew I was close to the end, so very close my entire body was rattling. The sensation smacked me so quickly that all I could do was scream.
Prince’s arms loosened and he was firmly clutching my buttocks, bouncing me harder than ever against him.
I could sense that he was also close to his peak, as his moans and sighs became intelligible.
“Prince…Prince…Prince.” I moaned feebly, leaning my face down on his suddenly wet shoulder. His hair, disheveled and damp brushed my cheek lightly.
Prince was grinding and pushing his hips against me at a whipping pace, his nails digging into my bottom.
His face was blood red, contorted in a nasty scowl.
“Ugh, Oh no!! Ugh! Damn! Fuck! Oh no!” He cried out suddenly slapping my bottom, producing a loud clapping sound.
I felt myself gearing up to succumb again and at the moment I soiled him once more, Prince yanked himself out and squirted along my buttocks and back.
A warm, wetness flooded my backside.
We clung to each other, speechless, gasping and heaving for any possible air that might have still been in the room.
I felt Prince run his hand along my back.
Leaning me back on his knees, Prince showed his wet hand to me and smiled contentedly. A mischievous mousy grin.
He then poked his three middle fingers into my mouth, letting me taste his gentle saltiness.
Like a baby animal at suckling time, I licked Prince’s hand clean of all the carnal debris. I dozed off, Prince’s arm wrapped around me, still atop his hips, his fingers resting just beyond my lips.

* * *
Sometime The Next Morning

I was roused by the sound of classical music playing softly.
I found myself lying on my stomach, a large plum pillow nestled under my head, thick purple covers tucked around my body. The room was still darkened, curtains drawn and shutting out any light. A lone white candle burned on Prince’s dresser.
It was a long moment before I remembered what had happened the previous night.
What had happened with Prince...
At the thought of Prince, I looked over to his side of the bed.
It was empty, a violet colored rose lying on the pillow. Where a violet rose could have even been found, I didn’t know.
I reached over and grabbed the flower, twirling it in my hands thoughtfully before placing it under my nose, and inhaling it’s faintly sweet scent.
My mind played the entire night over…and over. It all flooded me so quickly that I gasped.
Prince’s actions, his looks, his touch, even his scent. Everything.
It seemed too good to be true…
“Ah, I see you’re awake.” A voice observed.
I rolled over to see Prince standing in the fully open doorway. Light from the hallway illuminated him from behind.
He was a silhouette.
His body was clad in a vibrant blue robe.
No scarf was on his head, but his hair was combed neatly back. He wore a placid expression his face.
A gold painted wicker tray was clasped in hands.
Hands that had once been all over me.
“Yes…good morning.” I replied shyly, pulling myself into a seated position. I discovered that a pink nightie had been put on me, covering my nude body. I was sure that it was Prince’s doing--I lacked underwear.
“Good morning.” Prince walked over, blue heeled boots picking the carpet silently. “I, uh, I made you breakfast.” He seemed just as shy as I felt.
Sitting on the side of the bed, near my knees, Prince placed the tray on my lap. His body blared the lavender scent.
It was a nice spread: On a small plate was a mound of scrambled eggs, toast topped with butter and grape jam, and a few balls of honeydew melon and cantaloupe.
A mug of hot herbal tea steamed next to the plate.
“Thank you. It looks nice.” I smiled, continuing to twirl the rose.
“Not as nice as you, though. You’re lovely.” Prince pushed my hair, surely tangled and taking on the look of a bird’s nest, off my shoulders.
A warm sensation danced up and down my body.
“Um, I didn’t know you could cook.”
I tried to change the subject, gently pushing his hand away.
“A man’s gotta know how to do a few things.” He winked at me.
I giggled nervously.
Prince picked up a honeydew ball and held it out to me. It was perched lightly on his fingertips.
Still a bit shaken, I leaned and allowed him to pop the fruit into my mouth. I pecked his fingertips. His fingertips…
“Is it sweet? .” Prince asked eating a melon ball himself. “I got it from the greenhouse especially for you.”
“It’s yummy.” I chuckled. “Thank you.”
“Here try the eggs.” Prince suggested, scooping them up with a fork and offered it to me.
“Do you plan to feed me the entire meal?” I asked, running my finger along the edge of the tray.
“If you let me.” Prince pushed the fork into my mouth.
I chewed, surprise setting in. The eggs were perfectly prepared, light and fluffy and not seasoned too heavily. I didn’t think anyone as spoiled as Prince seemed knew his way around a kitchen.
“Where’s Juan-Carlos?” I wondered, as Prince presented me with another forkful of eggs. I held the fork and continued to feed myself, barely hearing him. I wondered if he was naked again under the blue robe.
Prince seemed a little annoyed that I had taken the fork from him.
“I gave him the morning off…I wanted to be alone with you without him buzzing around.” Prince replied, picking up a piece of toast and tearing it into quarters.
“Oh…are you making dinner tonight too?” I ventured, taking the toast from him and nibbling on it. Prince wanted to spend more time with me. I wanted to sing!
“No.” Prince gave me a mousy grin. “We have some work to do today…” He dropped his voice dramatically. “Though we wore each other out last night.” He laughed.
“Did you enjoy yourself last night?” He put his hand out and rubbed my chin.
“Yeah…” I stared down at my plate blushing. “It was something.”
“I’ll say. I had your little ass climbing the walls last night.” Prince was getting cocky. His grin seemed to go on forever and then some.
“And you really did climb the damn walls--you pulled my symbol down by about four or five inches.” Prince flicked his fingers, indicating the symbol behind me.
I glanced at it; I was shocked to see that the symbol did indeed appear lower and a bit crooked.
I was speechless.
“I knew it must have gotten good to you. You bit my fucking neck.” Prince cackled.
I swung my head around to stare at him. “I bit you?”
I had no recollection of sinking my teeth anywhere into him. Not even when I was…
“Yeah, you bit me.” Prince pulled his robe off his left shoulder. At the bend where his neck and collarbone met was a blackish-blue half moon mark. And I could make out several tooth sized indentations in it.
I had bitten him!
“Oh, I’m sorry!” I reached out and touched it gingerly, afraid I’d hurt him more. I hoped he wasn’t angry with me.
“That’s okay. I kinda get off on that freaky stuff…” Prince leaned towards me, an arrogant expression making it’s home on his face.
“But I think you already knew that.” He chuckled again, a low bemused rumble.
He picked up the rose, and placed it behind my ear. Then he pulled his robe back into place.
He silently pinched my chin, continuing to grin.
“I like that little nightie on you. Pink is a good color for you.” He observed lowly.
“I know…but I think you like what’s under it better.” I winked at him.
“You know that’s right.” Prince laughed out loud and fluffed my hair.
I could feel my heart swelling, with admiration.
Without warning, Prince pecked at my cheek and mouth, causing me to giggle like a small child.
Satisfied, Prince stood and made his way across the room. He paused at the dresser and blew the candle out.
Out of the darkness Prince spoke,
“I’m gonna cut you loose in a dance studio today so you can work up some moves and get a feel for the songs you’re doing. I have a studio ready at Paisley Park for you, whenever you feel like going over there. That is…if you can walk.” Another chuckle.
I had to admit, my body was throbbing something fierce from my “extracurricular activities”. I felt like I had been through ‘Nam and then some.
“I’ll be fine.” I forced myself to say. “Um, for the jam session on Friday, who’s going to be playing in the band?” I wondered, trying to keep my mind off naughty things. I knew if my brain strolled off into it’s red light district, Prince would have more injuries than a bite mark on his neck.
The curtain to the large window running parallel with the bed flew open, dousing the room in blinding sunlight.
I squinted in the sudden light, Prince’s body forming another slender silhouette in the large uncut pane of glass.
“Just some people. I haven’t quite decided who yet, but while you’re rehearsing, I’ll be tying up the loose ends. I put some clothes in your room for you to wear while you’re dancing.” Prince nodded.
“Okay…” I sipped from my mug of tea, ignoring it’s pungent and sweet flavor.
I just wondered what I had gotten myself into.
And if I’d be able to get myself out of it.

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